Friday 31 January 2014

January 31

Today was the first day of my leave, but really it felt like a Saturday since the girls were home due to their PD day.

I can honestly say that I went to the airport, for a walk on the beach, and on a bike ride to Downton Abbey and back.  However, if I told you the whole truth, it wasn't that exciting a day.  Firstly, I was picking up Derek from the airport.  He had the audacity to go on a trip to France for work the week BEFORE my leave started.  Secondly, the beach was frozen.  It was a beautiful day compared to most days last month, but it was still Lake Ontario in January.  And lastly, the bike ride was on my stationary bike in the basement, while watching season 2 episode of Downton Abbey.  Not the thrilling start to an adventurous sabbatical.  I guess it really won't hit me that I'm on Sabbatical until Monday when the girls are back at school.

January 22

As you may or may not know, I will be on a leave of absence for second semester.  This means that I will still be an employee of PDSB, but will not be coming to work every day and I won't get paid.  During the semester I get to do things I would not be able to do when I'm working full time.  My plans?
  • be a mom to the three kids who live with me, although I'll miss the 1000 kids at my school.  Yes, even my 'favourites' who like to come and visit on a regular basis.
  • take some courses.  It never hurts to be a student again.  It helps me remember what it is like, and maybe I will be able to sympathize a little more with the students in my school
  • travel a little with my mom, because sometimes I need to be the kid too.
  • play with my technology . . . I have an i-Pad, a Surface and a cell phone, and I probably only use them to about 10% of their potential.  If I'm going to model BYOD in my interactions with staff, then I need time to explore what they do
  • blog a little.  This will keep me honest to my intentions above.  If you want to read about the fencing tournaments, swim meets, courses I take, places I go, please join me on my journey over the next few months.  I can't promise that you will be excited and amazed by my journey, but that's because it will be my journey.  I will guarantee that I will be excited and amazed with much of what I will be doing.