Friday 31 January 2014

January 22

As you may or may not know, I will be on a leave of absence for second semester.  This means that I will still be an employee of PDSB, but will not be coming to work every day and I won't get paid.  During the semester I get to do things I would not be able to do when I'm working full time.  My plans?
  • be a mom to the three kids who live with me, although I'll miss the 1000 kids at my school.  Yes, even my 'favourites' who like to come and visit on a regular basis.
  • take some courses.  It never hurts to be a student again.  It helps me remember what it is like, and maybe I will be able to sympathize a little more with the students in my school
  • travel a little with my mom, because sometimes I need to be the kid too.
  • play with my technology . . . I have an i-Pad, a Surface and a cell phone, and I probably only use them to about 10% of their potential.  If I'm going to model BYOD in my interactions with staff, then I need time to explore what they do
  • blog a little.  This will keep me honest to my intentions above.  If you want to read about the fencing tournaments, swim meets, courses I take, places I go, please join me on my journey over the next few months.  I can't promise that you will be excited and amazed by my journey, but that's because it will be my journey.  I will guarantee that I will be excited and amazed with much of what I will be doing. 

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