Sunday 13 April 2014

Cruise -- Houston, we have a problem.

We arrived back at port at 7 a.m. which gave us a lot of time to kill before our flight left at 6 p.m.  I took advantage of this time to visit the Johnson Space Centre where all the astronauts train for their missions to space.  They also do a lot of research at this facility for current and future missions.  

This first photo is scale model of a portion of the International Space station as it is currently configured in space.  Astronauts use the model to be able to orient themselves to the floor plan, and become familiar with the location of all the modules they will be using in space.  Engineers also use the model to troubleshoot problems that arise at the actual space station, and the solutions they come up with are relayed back to the space station for implementation.

This robonaut is being developed to replace humans during spacewalks.  The torso is already on the station.  The rest of the body will be sent up as the testing is completed.  

This is a model of the Canadarm.  This model is very different from the one in space . . . the one in space would collapse if lifting space station and satellite components on earth because it was not designed to withstand the force of gravity.  However, this model is used to train astronauts in the use of the Canadarm while in space.  I'm sure Chris Hadfiled spent a lot of time playing with this while he was stationed here.

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