Friday 28 February 2014

Book #2 -- The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window and Disappeared

The title sums up the first chapter.  The rest of the book tells the man's adventures before and after the escape.  Definitely a fun read.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

February 26

So much for blogging on a regular basis.  The only reason I'm blogging today is because one of my daughters, who was horrified originally when I said I was blogging my experiences, asked me at dinner last night if I was going to post again soon.

I was shocked to see how many hits I've had . . . until I remembered that one of my daughters was concerned that I was going to post embarrassing information/stories about them.  However, all their embarrassing stories happened when they were really little (as two year olds).  Now they are the most perfect teenagers that ever lived.  

One of the reasons I haven't made it to the computer was because of the Olympics.  I was spellbound by it all.  I haven't had the chance to sit and watch so much TV in a long time.  Most magical moment for me?  When the ladies tied up the final hockey game.  I was driving to Niagara On The Lake for one of my courses and was listening to the third period on the radio (I had stopped at Don Cherry's on the way down for lunch and watched the first two periods there.)  The game was nearly over and I had decided that I wanted to visit Lock #3 of the Welland Canal to see what kind of construction was happening over the winter.  I pulled into the parking lot and that's when the second goal was scored.  I rushed to my hotel so I could check in to see the overtime period.  I'll have to go back to the lock next time.

I have now completed three of the five modules for the Chartered Director program.  I will finish the modules at the beginning of May and write the exam in June.  The exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions and I'll have four hours to write it.  Yikes.  I haven't had to write a high stakes exam in a long time . . . most teacher accreditations require a major research project instead of an exam. I started keeping an "Alphabet Soup" list.  The presenters rhyme off acronyms that they assume everyone knows.  I sit there with my blackberry looking them up as we go.  Most of the acronyms are accountant-speak or are related to a regulator. It is like learning a whole new language.

I haven't had the chance to do much visiting yet.  For the two modules, and Teachers Life meetings, I've had to do a lot of pre-reading.  That, on top of my on-line courses, has kept me busy.  I will try to get to see more people next week.

One of my goals during the sabbatical is to increase my fitness level.  I'm planning on completing the 80 km ride again in September in the GTA GranFondo.  Derek and I were part of the 2000+ founding riders last year and really enjoyed it.  We are going to do it again this year.  As well, Sarah wants to do another triathlon.  The Milton tri is the week before the GranFondo, so I don't know if it is in the cards for me, but we'll see.  Maybe I will feel better about it if I can get in better shape.  Sarah and I swam for 45 minutes yesterday.  It was the first time I was in the pool doing lengths in a year and a half.  I'm feeling it today.

Book #1 -- The Reason I Jump by Naoki Higashida

These posts are more for my benefit than anyone else's.  But if you are looking for a book to read, you can be forewarned by my opinions, if you respect them.  I promise I will never spoil the ending.

To be honest, I was disappointed. . . but I think I was expecting a novel like The Curious Incident.  I couldn't get over the Question/Answer format.

However, if one is curious about autism from a first person account, it is a good little book.  It is a quick read, and although repetitious at times, it conveys what one young man's experiences have been living with autism.  The book is interspersed with some short stories/tales that have been written by the author.  It would be interesting to read the book with a teen who lives with autism and/or his/her parent.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

February 5

A couple of very productive days!  So much for doing nothing in my first week off.

I've attached a couple of photos of the quinzee.  Both girls can fit inside, but it is a tight fit.  

Monday was the first day that all three girls were registered in the same school since Kaitlyn was in Grade 5.  I had hoped to get a picture of them walking towards the bus stop together, but alas, I will admit that I fell back asleep.  Ditto for yesterday, except I didn't even wake up until after they had left.  (Which was before 8 a.m. so before all my colleagues start on me, I was awake before my official work start time.)

I didn't get peace and quiet on Monday because Derek worked the 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. shift.  After I worked on my homework for a while, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood.  Usually when Derek worked this shift, I wouldn't even see him because I'd be in bed before he got home.  Unfortunately, he came home early . . . because he had a fever.  Poor guy is still out of commission.

Got the groceries done . . . took awhile because there were a lot of curious acquaintances wondering why I was playing hooky from school.

Tuesday was my first Teachers Life meeting since the leave started.  What a luxury it was to arrive well before the meeting, and not to have to rush in after it started.  I also finished my first assignment for my on-line course.  I can't believe how nervous I was submitting the assignment.  Thankfully, it gets marked immediately and you get feedback right away.

Snow day today!  All five of us are at home.  This is me shovelling the driveway.  And proof that it is me shovelling the driveway while Derek does other 'important' things like taking picture.

I'm going to enforce HW completion time after lunch for all.  Wish me luck.

Sunday 2 February 2014

February 2

I've started some of the household chores I've been putting off.  The first is gathering all the extra stuff to take to Salvation Army.  I have one full box already, and I feel like I haven't even started.

Lots of snow to shovel, and then I had to make a snow angel.  Yesterday's snow was very light.  Today it was very heavy . . . must have rained for a bit last night to form a layer of ice.  The snow angel wasn't easy.

I also started the pre-read for my next course.  The reason why I signed with this provider over the other is that they 'flip' their classroom.  They give you all the information ahead of time, along with some case studies to read.  During the sessions, all we do is the case studies and ask questions.  Much better than the alternative program where the instructors talked non-stop all day.  I can't concentrate that long.

The girls have built a quinzee in the back yard . . . kind of like an igloo.  It is a hollowed out mound of snow rather than built with snow bricks.  Photos to follow!