Sunday 2 February 2014

February 2

I've started some of the household chores I've been putting off.  The first is gathering all the extra stuff to take to Salvation Army.  I have one full box already, and I feel like I haven't even started.

Lots of snow to shovel, and then I had to make a snow angel.  Yesterday's snow was very light.  Today it was very heavy . . . must have rained for a bit last night to form a layer of ice.  The snow angel wasn't easy.

I also started the pre-read for my next course.  The reason why I signed with this provider over the other is that they 'flip' their classroom.  They give you all the information ahead of time, along with some case studies to read.  During the sessions, all we do is the case studies and ask questions.  Much better than the alternative program where the instructors talked non-stop all day.  I can't concentrate that long.

The girls have built a quinzee in the back yard . . . kind of like an igloo.  It is a hollowed out mound of snow rather than built with snow bricks.  Photos to follow!

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