Wednesday 5 February 2014

February 5

A couple of very productive days!  So much for doing nothing in my first week off.

I've attached a couple of photos of the quinzee.  Both girls can fit inside, but it is a tight fit.  

Monday was the first day that all three girls were registered in the same school since Kaitlyn was in Grade 5.  I had hoped to get a picture of them walking towards the bus stop together, but alas, I will admit that I fell back asleep.  Ditto for yesterday, except I didn't even wake up until after they had left.  (Which was before 8 a.m. so before all my colleagues start on me, I was awake before my official work start time.)

I didn't get peace and quiet on Monday because Derek worked the 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. shift.  After I worked on my homework for a while, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood.  Usually when Derek worked this shift, I wouldn't even see him because I'd be in bed before he got home.  Unfortunately, he came home early . . . because he had a fever.  Poor guy is still out of commission.

Got the groceries done . . . took awhile because there were a lot of curious acquaintances wondering why I was playing hooky from school.

Tuesday was my first Teachers Life meeting since the leave started.  What a luxury it was to arrive well before the meeting, and not to have to rush in after it started.  I also finished my first assignment for my on-line course.  I can't believe how nervous I was submitting the assignment.  Thankfully, it gets marked immediately and you get feedback right away.

Snow day today!  All five of us are at home.  This is me shovelling the driveway.  And proof that it is me shovelling the driveway while Derek does other 'important' things like taking picture.

I'm going to enforce HW completion time after lunch for all.  Wish me luck.

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