Monday 10 March 2014

March 10

Just one more day before Derek is a half century.  Wow.  

Lots happening, with little motivation to blog.  Here are some snippets over the past few weeks.

  1. The thaw has really taken its toll on the quinzee.  There was a new 'window' that appeared a couple of days ago (see above), and now the whole wall is pretty much gone.  Surprisingly, the roof is still sound.  The girls told me that they could stand on the quinzee when it was first built.  I guess this structure is safer than at first glance.  Too bad the girls never got the opportunity to sleep in it (our sleeping bags aren't rated for the really cold nights we've had here).
  2. I have finished all of the volunteer points required for both the swim team and gymnastics club.  I thought I would be elated, but I'm actually quite sad. Kaitlyn is off to university next year, and although she is planning on swimming at university, I'll be too far away to take part.  Sarah has retired from gymnastics, and will not be competing again.  The parents on both clubs (and there are some, like us, who have kids on both teams) are absolutely fabulous, and I've enjoyed getting to know them.  I don't know what I will do with all my free time next year.
  3. Speaking of those friends, I went to a birthday party for two of the swim friends, and broke my toe.  Not really sure how I did it, but it is now a nasty shade of purple.  My toe doesn't like shoes right now.  Hopefully it will be better soon because . . . .
  4. The cruise is booked.  I'll be travelling with mom and 4 of her condo friends to Mexico, Honduras and Belize.  Can't wait!  I have never been to these countries and I have never been on a cruise.  Hope to climb a Mayan ruin on an excursion and lie on a beach for a couple of hours.  Ladies only, so Derek and the girls are staying at home.  I will be the youngest of the group by about 18 years, but one of the ladies (who is older than mom) is planning on spending much of our 'at sea' days in the pool and sipping wine.  I guess I just found my kindred spirit.
  5. Kaitlyn is finally working on her NLS.  She has wanted to take her lifeguard course for a long time, but never got around to it due to swimming, coaching and working (ironically, as a swim instructor).  Kaitlyn will have a ton of first aid training as a result, and Sarah has her Wilderness First Aid, thanks to Bronte Creek Project in first semester.  Reassuring to know that they know what to do in case of an emergency.
  6. All three girls have to work on Derek's birthday.  It will be up to me to entertain him. Do I have to stick with the Mountsberg tradition, or can we go to a grown-up place instead?
  7. The paperwork is building up . . . time to start the taxes, file for medical/dental benefits, etc.  Sigh.

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